
Why residents could hear ‘loud banging noises’ in Preston last night

Posted on - 31st May, 2017 - 8:03am | Author - | Posted in - Lea, Preston Locations, Preston News
The piling process will take place for a number of weeks
The piling process will take place for a number of weeks

Lancashire Police received numerous calls this early morning (May 31) regarding ‘loud banging noises’ in the Lea and Savick areas of Preston.

Residents were concerned about the source of the noise and police issued a statement in response.

They said: “We are receiving a lot of calls regarding a loud noise described as ‘banging metal’ in the area of Lea & Savick in Preston.

“We have made some enquiries and can advise residents that the noise is due to planned works on the Blackpool – Preston railway line.”

Overnight piling is taking place as the line is electrified with Network Rail engineers on site.

Foundations for the masts and gantries are being put in place.

Piling is a noisy activity that involves driving steel piles deep into the ground.

More: Network Rail to carry out overnight work on Preston-Blackpool line

Each piling point is 50 to 60 metres apart and there will also be major vehicle activity during the nights.

The rail work follows ten weekends of initial work on the line ahead of the electrification upgrade.

Network Rail is holding a series of information evenings for residents to find out more about the piling process and the work.

They are being held:


Monday 19 June from 4pm to 7pm at Ashton Methodist Church, Wellington Road, Preston, PR2 1BU

Tuesday 27 June from 2pm to 6pm at Blackpool North station, Talbot Road, Blackpool, FY1 2AB

For further information contact Network Rail’s 24 hour national helpline on 03457 11 41 41.

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