
Fishergate bollard is rescued by pedestrians

Posted on - 9th May, 2017 - 9:07am | Author - | Posted in - Preston City Centre, Preston News, Roads, Transport
A Fishergate bollard has been sent tumbling Pic: Michael Bates-Tracey
A Fishergate bollard has been sent tumbling Pic: Michael Bates-Tracey

A Fishergate bollard has once again been slain by the Preston traffic.

Commuters spotted the plinth had been removed by a car transporter during Tuesday morning.

Shortly before 9am the bollard was sent tumbling and pedestrians gathered to carry it the short distance to the kerb.

The bollards were installed as part of the £3.4million shared space scheme in Fishergate during late 2014.

Another view of the bollard incident Pic: Neil Ballantyre
Another view of the bollard incident Pic: Neil Ballantyre

Since then drivers have struggled to ensure they don’t hit the concrete pillars.

A Twitter account, set up for the original Fishergate bollard, has become a staple of Preston’s social media scene with its pithy tweets.

Preston in pictures Preston - former Midland Bank, 39:40 Fishergate 241019Preston [Listed Building Grade II] - Shelley Assurance Building 241019Preston [Listed Building Grade II] - TSB Bank, 96 Fishergate 241019Entering Preston Bus StationRamp to the Car Park at Preston Bus StationClaytons Gate PrestonWaiting, Preston Bus StationPreston [Listed Building Grade II] - NatWest Bank, 97 Fishergate 241019 View more
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