
This is the biggest source of nuisance noise complaints in Preston

Posted on - 28th April, 2017 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Preston News

The biggest source of nuisance noise in Preston are related to music, a new study has found.

Local councils supplied the data which looks at noise complaints across the UK over the last three years and what the cause for the complaint was.

The study found that 39% of all noise complaints in Preston were caused by music. 25% were due to domestic noise while 15% were caused by dogs.

In the Preston Council area last year there were 3.83 complaints per 1000 people.

The council has made just 1 prosecution for noise nuisance in the last three years.

Cause of noise complaints (%)

A total of  961 complaints were reported in 2016, with 1092 in 2015 and 1043 in 2014.

Linda Firth, from who regularly carry out this type of study, said: “Everybody likes a good party now and again, but if your neighbour is blasting out loud music every night, your local council are there to help resolve the situation.

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“Nuisance noise can cause lack of sleep and significant distress, so it is best to take action before it impacts your health.”

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