Preston has had another badge bestowed upon it in the long-running list of best, worst, places.
The city has been ranked as one of the unhappiest places in the UK.
Figures from the Office of National Statistics which records the level of personal well-being has Preston fourth from bottom just marginally ahead of our Lancashire neighbours Burnley.
Members of the public were asked to score themselves between 0 to 10 on the following four questions:
– overall, how happy did you feel yesterday?
– overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday?
– overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays?
– overall, to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile?
The survey was run between October 2015 and September 2016.
Office for National Statistics representative Matthew Steel said: “At a time when economic measures are generally improving, this is not necessarily reflected in how people tell us they are feeling about their lives.
“Whilst it is too early to say why anxiety ratings have increased slightly and why life satisfaction, happiness and worthwhile ratings have levelled off in the past 12 months, we know from our previous research that factors impacting most on people’s personal well-being include health, work situation and relationship status.”
The survey conflicts with a recent piece of research by Pricewaterhouse Coopers and thinktank Demos which rated Preston as the best place to live and work in the North West.
However, it does charm with other ONS statistics which show Preston has the title of suicide capital of Britain, with the highest rate of suicide per 100,000 people.
And we shouldn’t forget the city is also the wettest in England and one of the wettest in the UK.
But over the border in South Ribble, they are all very, very, happy, apparently.
Here’s the list of Preston and its unhappy neighbours
12. Hackey
11. Enfield
=9. Islington
=9. Boston
8. Haringey
7. Greenwich
=5. Lewisham
=5. Wolverhampton
4. Preston
3. Burnley
2. West Lancashire
1. Corby
What do you think of the findings? Are you happy? Or not? Let us know in the comments below