Highways workers in hi-vis jackets direct traffic in Fishergate Pic: Paul Melling
Lancashire County Council recently revealed that the controversial Fishergate bus lane would be staying until Easter.
John Fillis had given the impression the bus lanes would be withdrawn until next Christmas but that review will now only take place after April.
You can see the full story and what caused the changes below.
MORE: Fishergate bus lane is staying until April
Needless to say, the news was not met with a positive reaction.
Daniel Burt commented sarcastically: “Well, it certainly seems like it’s been well thought out.”
Then Don Meek added: ” It’s Pantomime season in Preston! IT’S A BUS LANE! OH NO IT ISN’T! OH YES IT IS!
“What do you say children? OH NO IT ISN’T! and boys only! OH YES IT IS!”
Pam Wilson was a little bit more serious on the topic. She commented: “So confusing and unfair.
“The round trip from Lune Street if you live in Broadgate is ridiculous and hardly environmentally friendly. You get the idea they couldn’t organise a booze up in a brewery!”
Anne Mansfield agreed on the environment, adding: “It’s doing wonders for my carbon footprint & diesel consumption having to go in completely the opposite direction at 5pm to get home in Penwortham!”
There didn’t appear to be any comments defending the decision.