
Warning issued about Bamber Bridge junction after dog walker struck down

Posted on - 21st November, 2016 - 8:55pm | Author - | Posted in - Bamber Bridge, Preston News, Roads, Transport
Darren Seed in his workshop

Darren Seed in his workshop

The daughter of a man left in hospital with a broken back after he was hit by a car has called on action to be taken about a ‘dangerous’ Bamber Bridge junction.

Darren Seed, 49, remains in Royal Preston Hospital after the incident in Brownedge Road on Sunday morning.

He was out walking the family’s two dogs when a car mounted the pavement near the turn with Brownedge Close and struck him from behind.

Mr Seed, a classic car enthusiast, has been left with part of his back broken, seven broken ribs, a broken femur and a dislocated hip.

His daughter, Jen, says he is lucky to be alive after the crash.

Jen Seed and the family's two dogs who were rescued after the incident

Jen Seed and the family’s two dogs who were rescued after the incident

She said: “When I got the phone call I wasn’t too shocked because we have been talking about how something like this was always going to happen.

“People come flying round that bend and lose control regularly. The houses along there lose fences and walls from the speed people are going.”

Ms Seed, 27, said her Dad was awaiting surgery for his injuries.

She said: “I hope the council can do something about that road. Cars are coming off the A6 and it’s only a matter of time before someone is killed.

“There is a 20mph sign but if you’re coming off the bypass then how can you slow down in time?”

The junction of Brownedge Close and Brownedge Road Pic: Google

The junction of Brownedge Close and Brownedge Road Pic: Google

Jen also wanted to say thank you to dog walker Jenny Burker who came to the rescue of her two dogs.

The two Staffies had run off from the incident and were found in the Matalan car park.

Jen said: “My Dad came round and it was the first thing he was asking about. Where are the dogs? Are the dogs okay?”

Lancashire Police closed the road for around three hours on Sunday morning following the crash. No arrests have been made and the police are not appealing for witnesses at this stage.

Do you live in the area? What do you think about Brownedge Road? Let us know in the comments below

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