
Moor Park benches to be offered to the public during restoration

Posted on - 2nd October, 2016 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Moor Park, Preston Council, Preston News
The dog and serpent design benches are being offered in Moor Park

The dog and serpent design benches are being offered in Moor Park

Prestonian’s are being offered a chance to own a little piece of Moor Park.

Restoration of the park – the largest in Preston – is underway and you can have a memorial bench in memory to a loved one.

Benches based on a Dog and Serpent design are being installed by Preston City Council as they put the park back to its Victorian splendour.

A donation of £1,000 is needed for the benches which will have a brass plaque displaying a dedication or family-related message.

Cabinet member for community and environment councillor Robert Boswell said: “The council have previously offered memorial and commemorative benches in Avenham and Miller parks, which were embraced by the public.

“The peaceful and tranquil location is perfect as people have many happy memories of spending time with the family in Moor Park, and the dedicated messages engraved on the plaques reflect those sentiments. Some of the most impressive views available in the park have been set aside as locations for the publicly donated benches.”

Read more: Tree felling as Moor Park restoration continues

More than £1.7m is being spent of heritage lottery cash to sort drainage issues in the plant and major landscaping.

How can I get a bench?

How one of the benches will look

How one of the benches will look

Anyone interested in making a donation for a bench can contact the Parks team at or on 01772 906471 to arrange a tour around the park to pick their favourite spot from the bench space available, to discuss the plaque inscription and how to make the donation.

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