
Street 24-7 to tell story of Preston’s homeless

Posted on - 8th May, 2016 - 12:35pm | Author - | Posted in - Charities, Ingol
A spot where people sleep rough by the old Odeon cinema in Preston Pic: Tony Worrall

A spot where people sleep rough by the old Odeon cinema in Preston Pic: Tony Worrall

An amateur documentary maker in Preston has spent two weeks discovering what life is like for those on the city’s streets.

Shane King is to tell the stories of rough sleepers in Street 24-7.

The 23-year-old from Ingol said: “I spent time filming the day to day lives of the homeless.

“The film looks at how they became homeless and what they get up to on a daily basis, and how they are trying to get themselves off the streets.”

Related: The story of homeless Bill goes viral on Facebook

The short film is currently being edited and Shane hopes to have it uploaded to YouTube in the coming weeks.

He said: “I made a lot of films when I was at college and I thought this would be an interesting project to look at.”

If you’d like to help the homeless in Preston, we suggest donating to the Foxton Centre who work with rough sleepers in the city.

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