
Watch as tidal bore comes up the River Ribble

Posted on - 10th April, 2016 - 7:56pm | Author - | Posted in - Penwortham, Videos

A surge of water comes up the River Ribble in this video showing the tidal bore.

Kevin Livesey captured the footage down near the bullnose – where a tidal surge comes up the Ribble to where it meets the River Douglas.

Around a foot of water is seen swarming its way up the river, it will go as far as Fishwick Bottoms which is the Ribble’s tidal limit.

Tidal bores happen across the country, with the most notable being the one on the River Severn which often has bores which people can surf on.

Have you ever seen the tidal bore on the Ribble? Let us know in the comments below

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