Thousands of people turned out to honour the Preston tradition of rolling their Easter Eggs down the hill at Avenham Park.
Children chased their chocolate down the slopes as the hourly official rolls were also supplemented by plenty of charges up and down the hill.
With part of Avenham Park turned into a swamp due to recent heavy rain many of the attractions were moved into the pathway leading into Miller Park.
Many stalls were moved up towards Miller Park due to large puddles in Avenham Park
Part of the fairground continued at the bottom of Avenham Park near the pavilion.
Egg rolling in Avenham Park during Easter 2016
Live music came from local musicians and plenty of food stalls were also on hand.
See all today’s pictures of the Easter events on Avenham and Miller Parks here.
Did you go to the egg rolling? Have you got any pictures to share? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below