
In pictures: Thunder, lightning and super heroes in Avenham Park

Posted on - 27th March, 2016 - 5:53pm | Author - | Posted in - Avenham, Charities, Families & Kids, Parks, Preston City Centre, Preston News, What's On in Preston


An event in support of the ‘Our Local Heroes Foundation’ brought young and some not-so-young super heroes out in force on Avenham Park during Easter Sunday for a 5k and 1k fun run.

The event supported the Foundation’s aims to help ex-servicemen and women to overcome setbacks.

This was no easy mission for the super heroes. Just as the adult run was due to start at 2pm the Park was hit by a thunderstorm.

The lightning, torrential rain and hail sent the super heroes, who had massed on the start line, running for cover as the race was delayed.

It wasn’t too long however, before the race got underway and the runners many in their colourful costumes took off around the scenic park course.

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