Aizzah Fatima airing her dirty lingerie
An award-winning play which has sold out venues across the world is coming to Preston.
Dirty Pakistani Lingerie tells the stories of six Muslim-American women aged six to 65.
Written and performed by Aizzah Fatima the show sees her play all the parts.
She draws her influence from real-life incidents and one-to-one interviews with Pakistani-American women.
She said: “I felt as if I was surrounded by all these amazing women who had remarkable stories to tell – first- and second-generation immigrant women – who just happened to be Pakistani Americans.
“There was a human side to this experience of being a Muslim American woman that was completely missing in the media, completely missing in the types of characters we see in film, TV, theatre.”
The show, directed by Erica Gould, is to be performed at The Continental in South Meadow Lane.
Doors are at 8pm on Thursday 25 February and tickets are £8 in advance or £6 for concessions. Tickets available online or at the bar at the Conti.