Fulwood paths undergoing renovation. Picture: Natalie Milton
Fulwood’s overgrown footpaths have started to receive a much needed facelift.
After being officially declared as the wettest city in England, it may come as no surprise that Preston’s footpaths have struggled against the daily deluge.
In particular, paths within the Fulwood area that connect Belton Hill and Walker Lane were transformed into a muddy assault course more fitting for competitors of Tough Mudder rather than your average dog walker.
Thankfully, after a successful campaign run by The Friends of Conway Drive, an initiative governed by local residents to improve the Fulwood area, Preston City Council has begun to resurrect some of Fulwood’s neglected footpaths.
Recent developments have included levelling out the main footpath stretching from Belton Hill to Walker Lane with a substantial layer of crushed stone.
Council Workers have also included a set of steps connecting the path to Conway Park to replace the precarious shortcut that once resulted in humiliation or injury for many children hoping to reach one of Fulwood’s few playgrounds.
In light of the positive effect the improvements have had upon the area and its residents, The Friends of Conway Drive initiative hopes that the council may continue to revamp the area.
Susan Cherry, a local resident, commented: “The improvements to Fulwood’s footpaths have made walking my dogs so much easier.
“After a bad break to my leg last year, walking from my home to my dad’s house was near impossible despite it being a short route.
“Instead I’d have to stick to the main road which took considerably longer but at least the surface was easy to walk on.
“Now I can manage the footpath but I would like to see more improvements”.
In response Preston City Council has promised it will revise current plans for the area to include the resurfacing of the smaller footpaths that act as the spurs to the main footpath.
Although the resurfacing of the spurs will take place later on in the year, the move should hopefully reopen forgotten routes between many of the estates in the Fulwood area.
In turn, The Friends of Conway Drive initiative hopes that the paths may improve connections within the Fulwood community.
Several suggestions have also been put forwards to Preston City Council to transform Fulwood’s footpaths into a nature trail to be enjoyed by residents and the areas associated schools.