
Artist to run study into Preston air pollution

Posted on - 23rd January, 2016 - 8:00am | Author - | Posted in - Arts & Culture, Preston City Centre, Preston News, Roads
Traffic jam in Fishergate in Preston city centre: Pic: Tony Worrall

Traffic jam in Fishergate in Preston city centre: Pic: Tony Worrall

How big a problem is smoggy air in Preston?

A city artist is looking to explore the level of air quality in Preston and how it affects health and the local environment.

Rachel Chesney is on the hunt for volunteers for her project Particulate Matters.

A statement from In Certain Places, an arts group who are helping to cordinate the study, said: “What would happen if we could suddenly see the air we breathe? How would we choose to travel, plan our cities and conduct our daily lives if pollution from traffic and industry was visible in our skies? How would we respond if we could see the effects of particulate matter on our hair, skin, lungs, heart and circulatory system? Would we choose to maintain the status quo or radically alter our habits?

“Particulate Matters is an artistic research project, designed by Rebecca which will employ the latest innovation in air quality monitoring to record, measure and analyse the exposure to air pollution of individual members of the public. She is looking to accompany a number of local people on their daily journeys through their areas of the city.

“These may be, for example, commutes to work, school runs, shopping expeditions, dog walks, or visits to friends or relatives; they may take place on foot, in cars, on bikes or public transport. The journeys may be long or short and may involve more than one place in the case of, for instance, street cleaners, couriers or school crossing patrol officers.”

Anyone wanting to volunteer for the study needs to be available on one of the following dates in February: 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25

To register email

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