
Sleeping Beauty Panto is a roaring success with opening night audience

Posted on - 9th December, 2015 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Christmas, Families & Kids, Preston City Centre, Preston Guild Hall, What's On in Preston
Jacqueline Leonard as Maleficent. Pic: Photographer Michael Porter

Jacqueline Leonard as Maleficent. Pic: Photographer Michael Porter

The opening night of Preston Guild Hall’s spectacular pantomime Sleeping Beauty has been receiving high praise from audience members and press alike.

Sleeping Beauty is the first pantomime under the Guild Hall’s new ownership, and the first one to be produced in-house. The show, starring Jacqueline Leonard (Coronation Street) as the wicked Maleficent, Hayley Hassall (CBBC) as The Good Fairy and Archie Kelly (Phoenix Nights) as the King; has been written and directed by stand-up comedy star Phil Walker, who also takes to the stage as the hilarious Silly Billy!

The SOLD OUT opening show was buzzing with excitement as families, after school cubs, Brownie packs and press took their seats. They witnessed an extraordinary mix of ‘the usual’ panto gags with a modern twist, which is sure to delight traditional panto enthusiasts as well as fans of Little Mix, Sam Smith and…Minions?!

Remarkable special effects created by illusion specialists The Twins FX, add a spectacular element to this show by bringing magical creatures and futuristic elements to life using technology never been seen before at The Guild Hall…but we don’t want to give too much away! You will have to go and see for yourself!

In response to the overwhelming support the Guild Hall has received about this venture, they have decided that “we’ll have to do it again then, won’t we? Wooo!”
So watch out for the 2016 panto announcement coming soon!

Sleeping Beauty is running until Saturday 2nd January 2016 and there are still tickets available, to book contact the Box Office on 01772 80 44 44 or via the Preston Guild Hall website.

Have you been to see Sleeping Beauty at the Charter Theatre yet and what did you think of it? Let us know in the comments below.

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