Preston’s Museum of Lancashire should be saved from closure according to an online petition.
Prestonians are being urged to put their names to the call for the museum to remain open despite Lancashire County Council cutbacks.
Barrie Walters, from Walton-le-Dale, set up the petition after the county council announced the museum was in line for closure during a £65 million savings drive.
Blog Preston revealed in early December the closure of the museum could see the county council landed with a £919,400 bill from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Mr Walters petition points out the museum has recently been refurbished.
He writes in his petition: “The Museum of Lancashire in Preston is a special place to tell stories of old Lancashire and to preserve some of the county’s heritage.
“It has recently been overhauled and updated and occupies a Grade 2 listed building near the centre of Preston.
“Once a museum or library has closed, it is most likely lost forever. Re-opening will be an extremely unlikely event.
“Please support this petition to preserve this small but essential part of our heritage.”
Related: Seven things Prestonians said on hearing the Museum of Lancashire is to close
The Museum currently employs 12 staff, with two of those roles being full-time.
Closing the museum would save the county council around £238,000 per year.
You can sign the petition via the website.
Will you be signing the petition? What do you think of the closure plan? Let us know in the comments below