Moor Park sunset Pic: Shabbagaz
Work on restoring Moor Park’s grotto has begun as part of a multi-million project on the grade-II listed park.
Contractors are already on site felling dead, diseased or dangerous trees across the park.
The grotto is being refurbished throughout the winter, as well as Philip Dixon Limited working on improving the footpaths.
Councillor Robert Boswell, cabinet member for the environment for Preston City Council, said: “It’s all systems go over the next few months as this very important work takes place in Moor Park – Preston’s oldest and largest park.
“Thanks to National Lottery funding, our grade-II listed park can be restored and enhanced. Maintaining this fantastic asset for the people of Preston is essential, keeping its reputation as one of the finest and most significant parks in the country.”
The first stage of the Moor Park project saw the skate park opened in September, which has already been proving popular.
A young skater gets a helping hand from his father Pic: Jim Beattie
Related: What to expect when lottery cash is spent on Moor Park
More than £2 million is being spent on the park in the next two years.
Have you seen the Moor Park work beginning? What do you think of the masterplan? Let us know in the comments below