County Hall needs to decide if it supports the Combined Authority idea Pic: thepracticalsurveyor
A major step towards creating a combined authority for Lancashire could be taken on Thursday.
Councillors at Lancashire County Council will debate whether they agree to back the move.
Five councils in the county, including Preston, have come out in support of the authority – which they say would create a stronger voice for Lancashire and attract funding from central government.
Wyre council has indicated it does not support the idea of a combined authority.
A report to Lancashire County Council outlines the current position and if accepted would see a public consultation on the idea begin in the New Year.
Leader of the county council, Jennifer Mein, said: “There are a number of strategic areas where it makes sense for councils to work much more closely together, such as major transport schemes, housing and economic development.
“We know from talks with central government that creating a Combined Authority is their preferred way of devolving power and funding to a local level. I am absolutely convinced that Lancashire’s leaders are best placed to make the important decisions that will benefit everyone in the county.
“Lancashire’s council leaders have been working hard to reach this point and I am hopeful that we will be able to broaden the conversation and encourage the people of Lancashire to have their say on this important subject.”
What do you think of the idea for a Combined Authority? Do you support it? Let us know in the comments below