iPhones are one of the most popular targets for thieves Pic: wicker_man
Preston Police are urging Prestonians to be vigilant with their new devices received as Christmas presents.
A raft of laptops, phones and games consoles have been reported stolen during the holiday period.
PCSO Stephen Connolly who looks after the city centre area released a list of items taken.
1 x Apple iPhone 6 in silver – IMEI No: 359798060121248
1 x Apple Macbook Pro Model A1278 13 inch screen – Serial No: C1MLVMNPDTY3
10 x Sennheiser body microphones model EW100G3 with body pack
4 x Mitex Pro 2 way radios
1 x Specialized Rockshock mountain bike in silver, red writing, red & black grips, small speedometer on handlebars, black and red striped saddle with white writing and black & red pedals. Frame No: AJ06092794.
1 x Microsoft Xbox one games console – Serial No: 046670542348
1 x Apple iPhone 6 in white & silver, 16gb – IMEI No: 359284061908940
1 x Apple iPhone 6 in space grey – IMEI No: 352032073784644
PCSO Connolly says those with new presents should add tem to the UK National Property Register called Immobilise.
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of the items above should contact the police on 101.