Inside the Preston warehouse with donations to Cumbria flood victims
A Preston shop owner has put her life on hold to help people affected by the Cumbria and Lancashire floods.
Janey Deakin finds herself running the only warehouse outside Cumbria for those wanting to donate items to those who have been displaced from their homes.
The 46-year-old is working with two other women to co-ordinate more than 100 tonnes of aid to the Lake District and surrounding areas.
She said: “I wanted to do my bit. I’ve closed my gift shop and this is what I will be doing up until Christmas. I couldn’t do nothing.
A warehouse has been donated in Preston’s Docklands for the Christmas for Cumbria effort.
Janey has been spearheading the relief efforts
Janey said they’ve been swamped with donations of bedding and clothing, as well as bottled water.
A food parcel going out to people who had been evacuated in the Lancashire village of St Michael’s
She said: “I just posted to ask people to bring items to my gift shop.
Related: Preston Muslim group rallies to help victims of Cumbria floods
Working with the Pallet Network the Preston Warehouse is sending regularly deliveries up to Cumbria to those who still cannot return to their homes.
A lorry being loaded up with supplies
Janey, who usually runs the Owl and Heartflower gift shop, said: “We still need more items. At the moment there’s a real need for toiletries and non-perishable food.
“It is heartening to see so much being donated, people really are very generous.
“We’ve had people driving from Mansfield, South Wales, Bridlington, all over, to give their donations.”
Janey and the team are urging people to contact them in advance before bringing their items, so they can tell people the best time to visit the warehouse in Chain Caul Way.
There’s also a need for volunteers to help unload the HGVs that arrive with donations or load up the trucks going up in convoy to Cumbria.
Focus on providing non-perishable food and toiletries. The warehouse is open from 10am to 6pm.
Contact the warehouse in advance either through Facebook or by emailing
If you want to volunteer, then message the Facebook page and also fill in the volunteering form with your details. The page may not respond immediately as they are being swamped with questions.