
Combined Authority for Lancashire consultation to begin in January

Posted on - 20th December, 2015 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Politics, Preston News
2016 could see Lancashire develop a Combined Authority Pic: Tony Worrall

2016 could see Lancashire develop a Combined Authority Pic: Tony Worrall

The next step in potentially creating a Combined Authority for Lancashire has been agreed.

Of the 15 councils in Lancashire 14 have agreed for a consultation to take place on the new governing body.

Lancashire County Council debated the proposal on Thursday afternoon and approved the need to consult the public on the issue.

A Combined Authority would work to secure funding from central government and further investment across all of Lancashire.

Preston City Council had already indicated it would support any move for a Combined Authority.

County Councillor Jennifer Mein, leader of Lancashire County Council, said: “It is common sense that councils work more closely together in strategic areas such as major transport schemes, housing and economic development.

“Lancashire’s council leaders have been working hard to reach this point and I would encourage the people of Lancashire to have their say on this important subject. I am absolutely convinced that Lancashire’s leaders are best placed to make the important decisions that will benefit everyone in the county.”

A formal consultation on the proposal for the authority is to start in January.

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