Hello again Preston folk and Planet earth! Its me Billy with your weekly update on all things Sleeping Beauty Panto coming to the Lovely Preston Guildhall charter theatre this December!
Well, it is almost rehearsals time, Oh yes it is!! Very soon all of us involved in putting on the Panto will be locked away for hours on end practicing our lines, songs, dancing and singing as well as all the technical stuff that goes into bringing a show to the stage for the big opening night! Two weeks doesn’t sound like a long time to put on a show does it? But we manage to do it every year so far, so fingers crossed we can all get it right! I really like the rehearsals its great to meet and work with new and highly talented people I’ve never met before, as well as meeting up with some old friends.
Just look at us in the picture below with the children from St. Bernard’s Catholic Primary School, Lea, Preston on the Harris balcony steps. They were really excited to see us and we were so happy that we bumped into them while they were looking around the wonderful museum.
The happy children from St. Bernard’s Catholic Primary School, Lea, Preston, with us on the Harris balcony
We have a truly awesomely talented cast in this year`s show as well as all the lovely technical crew, responsible for all things technical in the show (sound and lights etc!). Also in the big build up to the show opening we have to promote the show so everyone knows we are coming to town. We have already started the promotion by visiting some of the great schools in the Lancashire area, where myself and the cast had lots of fun with all the lovely boys, girls and teachers and we look forward to seeing some of the schools we went to at our show!
Look out for us on Posters all around the place and even on the Preston buses. We are looking forward to saying hello to all those who are coming to the big Preston Christmas lights switch-on this Saturday November 14th in Preston City centre!
So have a great week and I will speak to you soon, and don’t forget – if you haven’t done so already – book your seats for this year`s Sleeping Beauty Panto at Preston Guild Hall!
PS – Here`s my joke of the week:
Who delivers Christmas presents to dogs? Santa paws!
Tweet me your jokes to @sillybilly2015 #sillyBilly
Lots of love, Silly Billy XX