
Olive Tree Brasserie applies for later opening hours

Posted on - 19th August, 2015 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Business, Food & Drink, Preston City Centre, Preston News, Restaurants in Preston

Olive Tree Opening 1

Mediterranean restaurant The Olive Tree Brasserie has applied to open later every night of the week.

Based in Miller Arcade the owners have requested an additional two hours on their licence.

Currently they can serve alcohol and open until 1am but this new licence would give them the opportunity to open until 3am each night.

An additional half an hour drinking up time would mean the lights could stay on until 3.30am.

The restaurant opened in November last year and heralded the start of a regeneration of the Miller Arcade – with major plans being approved for the creation of flats and a first-floor restaurant.

Another restaurant is also interested in the former Sticky Chops restaurant within the Arcade, opposite Turtle Bay and the Harris Museum.

Anyone wishing to comment on the licensing application must email by Tuesday 8 September.

What do you think of the longer opening hours? Have you eaten at the Olive Tree? Let us know in the comments below

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