Kym Marsh and Debbie Leigh
One Prestonian definitely got to dine with a star on Saturday night as Kym Marsh joined her table.
Debbie Leigh was having a meal in The Olive Tree Brasserie when the Coronation Street star joined her and friends.
Kym was in town as part of the Dine With The Stars evening when celebs pop up at various restaurants aross the city.
She was supporting the Love Food Love Preston month, aimed at showcasing the restaurants in the city centre.
Debbie said: “She was at our table for half an hour or so. She was very chatty and down to earth. And she’s very pretty in real life.”
Kym also popped into Turtle Bay on the Flag Market, sitting with Helen Leonard and her friends.
Other Prestonians took to Instagram to share their celeb meetings.
Ed Baines of Britain’s Best Fish was in Face HK restaurant in Guild Hall Street.
He posed for a pic with Gary and Krusha Dawson.
Celeb chef Aldo Zilli was also dining out in Preston as he joined diners in Tinos.
Did you spot any celebs in Preston’s restaurants? Let us know in the comments below and email with any pics