Former councillor Albert Richardson Pic: Norbet1
A former Preston councillor and Mayor is to be appointed to an honorary role on the city council.
Albert Richardson, who represented the St Matthews area of the city, stepped down earlier in 2014.
Mr Richardson, 78, becomes an Honorary Alderman of Preston later in September at a full council meeting.
The title dates back to the Guild of 1397 when papers refer to “of the more discreet and worthy men of the said Borough of Preston.”
The current Mayor of Preston, councillor Nick Pomfret, will lead the alderman-making ceremony at a special meeting of the full city council on Monday 15 September.
Alderman titles tend to be appointed on councillors who have done more than 15 years of service, and after 35 years former Mayor Richardson has done his bit.
The last aldermen appointed were William Tyson and Michael Onyon in 2011.
Mr Richardson receives his honour on Monday 15 September from 5pm at the Town Hall.
Do you know former councillor Richardson? What do you think of him being given the alderman title? Let us know in the comments below