Libraries across Preston could see their evening opening hours reduced.
Council bosses are seeking the views of book lovers across the city about opening times.
Lancashire County Council are consulting with the public about opening hours after they were changed at many libraries in Preston and across the rest of the county.
It sees a swathe of Preston libraries losing their evening opening and becoming day time operations with no more closures for lunch breaks and earlier opening times on many weekdays.
18 months ago many libraries saw their opening times changed across Preston. Three Preston libraries had their opening hours extended in early 2013.
Julie Bell, county libraries manager, said: “We want to help people across the county to get the most out of all the services on offer at their local library, and this means making sure that libraries are open at the times! when our customers are most likely to use them.
“With that in mind, we are asking people to choose between the current pattern of opening hours at their local library and the changes we are proposing to make based on our knowledge of how and when the library is used.
“Any decisions we make, including ‘no change’, will depend on the results of the consultation, which is why we want to hear from as many of our customers as we can.
“So, whatever your age, please do tell us what you think by filling in our simple questionnaire, either at your local library or online.”
Fulwood library would close an hour earlier at 6pm on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. But it would open until 5pm on Thursday instead of closing at 1pm as it does now.
The Harris Library in the city centre would shut at 6pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays instead of 7pm.
It’s opening hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays would be extended to 6pm instead of shutting at 5pm on these days.
Ingol library would lose its later opening time on a Friday night, closing at 5pm instead of 7pm. But it would open at 9am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday instead of opening at 10am.
Penwortham library loses its 7pm opening on Monday and Thursdays, opening until 5pm instead.
It would gain opening from 9.30am to 2pm on a Monday, when it currently doesn’t open until the afternoon. It will also opening half an hour earlier, at 9.30am, on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It would not longer close for lunch on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday either.
Ribbleton library loses its Monday night evening opening, closing at 5pm but would open an hour earlier on Mondays, Wednesdays, Friday and Saturday.
At Savick library it would see the same proposed changes as Ribbleton.
Sharoe Green library loses its Monday evening opening, closing at 6pm instead of 7pm. Fridays the library would close at 5pm instead of 7pm.
On a Monday, the library would open at 1pm instead of 2pm and at 9am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday instead of 10am. It would also not shut for lunch on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
The county council say there is little cost change in the overall opening times proposals.
The questionnaire is online until Saturday 26 July to fill out.
An A-Z of each libraries changes can be downloaded from the county council website.
More information is available by phoning 01772 534008 or emailing
What do you think of the proposals? Do you use your local library? Let us know in the comments below