
Final Winckley funding bid Submitted

Posted on - 28th June, 2014 - 10:30am | Author - | Posted in - Preston City Centre, Preston News, Redevelopment

winckley square

A final application to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has been filed to provide funding for the Winckley Square Conservation Project, which would involve a much needed facelift and bring existing heritage buildings back into use. HLF gave initial stage one support for the project.

The next meeting of the HLF North West Committee will be September. If the bid is successful, work could begin as early as Autumn 2014.

Cabinet Member for planning and regulation, Councillor John Swindells, said: “An initial bid for £945,000 was successful with the HLF in March 2014. This bid was an early stage plan of the project. This proved we had a good project with an excellent chance of being awarded a grant.

“Since then we have worked with the Winckley Square Community Interest Company (WSCIC) to develop proposals in greater detail. These have now been submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund, together with the results from our consultations.”

The WSCIC, made up of local business owners, was set up to help drive the revival of the Square working in partnership with Preston City Council.

HLF uses money raised from the National Lottery to make lasting difference for heritage people and communities across the UK. They have supported almost 36,000 projects with more than £6bn across the UK.

For more information about the Winckley THI and Gardens project visit

winckley square

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