
Charity night and Silent Auction to raise funds for The Foxton Centre

Posted on - 23rd March, 2014 - 8:00am | Author - | Posted in - Charities, What's On in Preston

foxton centre

A fire-ravaged community centre is asking for donations to help it get back on its feet.

The Foxton Centre’s main hall caught fire earlier in March causing a great deal of damage.

It provides help for homeless people in Preston, street sex workers and other vulnerable people in the city.

Now managers at the centre are calling on local businesses and people to donate items to a silent auction.

The auction takes place at the Foxton event at Preston Minster on Friday 16 May.

The Minster hosts the event which will include live music, a two course dinner and entertainment.

Tickets are £25 available via the Foxton website or through their office.

For more information and how to get involved in the Silent Auction email Shirah on

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