The iconic building splits opinion in the city over what to do with it
Notre Dame Cathedral, Berlin’s Reitchstag and err Preston Bus Station?
A new book detailing 1001 buildings to see before you die has put the under-threat bus station as a work of architecture that people must see.
The book from Cassell Illustrated is a mixture of familiar landmarks and little-known gems, which includes the bus station.
Preston Bus Station is due to be demolished after a decision by the city council and the rejection of a bid to take it into private ownership.
The current plan is to demolish the bus station and replace it with a smaller station on the same site along with a car park – and ownership moves to the county council.
There is still an ongoing attempt to have the building listed and a decision is due in the summer.
Would you class Preston Bus Station as a building to see before you die? Let us know in the comments below