
Preston Register Office in temporary move

Posted on - 20th March, 2013 - 7:48pm | Author - | Posted in - Preston News

registry office

While essential building work is carried out the Lancashire Register Office in Preston is on the move

Services at the Bow Lane office will temporarily move, taking place over two phases, to the former Park Hotel at East Cliff, Preston, for about eight months.

From 15 April, all appointments to register births, deaths and still-births, together with appointments for notices of marriages and civil partnerships, will transfer to the new offices.

From 1 May, all wedding and civil partnership ceremonies, which are normally carried out in the Lancashire Rose Suite on Bow Lane, will be performed in the ballroom at the former Park Hotel.

Lancashire County Council’s registration and coroners’ support manager Steve Lloyd commented on the move: “We realise the Park Hotel at East Cliff is a bit less central than our permanent base on Bow Lane, and we should like to apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

“However, we’re confident that the ballroom will be a very pleasing venue for couples wishing to get married or enter into a civil partnership.

“The ballroom overlooks Miller Park and offers lovely views for couples and their friends and families to enjoy.

“It has been laid out with a central aisle, in the traditional way, and is equally suitable for large or small ceremony parties.

“Additionally, ceremony parties will have the option to leave through the side door of the building, offering a great opportunity for photographs against the backdrop of the park.”

For enquiries, and to book an appointment for all Preston Register Office services, please phone 0845 053 0021.

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