One of the Abaseen Foundation projects in action, a health education class for young boys in Pakistan
A Preston curry house will be raising money for a Lancashire charity which supports health and education projects in Pakistan.
EastZEast on Church Street is teaming up with The Abaseen Foundation to host a curry night.
The organisers of the event, a team of students at the University of Central Lancashire, hope to raise £200 to help the Foundation provide the basics for children in North West Pakistan.
Tickets for the curry night are £15 and just £6 can make a huge difference to a child’s life in Pakistan.
A spokeswoman for The Abaseen Foundation said: “Six pounds allows Abaseen to provide vital nutritional supplements such as daily milk and fruit for a child for a week.
“Ten pounds will help buy equipment for sports like cricket and badminton, but also skipping ropes and balls so the children can just play and be like other children for a while.”
Thousands of children in Peshawar are denied an education as they are forced to work in the brick kilns
Abaseen has been providing humanitarian aid and supporting projects in the frontier region of Pakistan since destructive floods hit in 2004, followed by the earthquake in 2005.
The event takes place at EastZEast on Tuesday 9 April and tickets are available online at Skiddle.