
Ex-smoker from Preston is face of new campaign

Posted on - 16th March, 2013 - 11:13am | Author - | Posted in - Campaigns, Preston News

quit smoking

A new regional anti-smoking campaign is being headed by a successful quitter from Preston.

Eddie Fish smoked 30 cigarettes a day before he kicked the habit. He joined an NHS anti-smoking campaign and now with their help he hopes to be able to help others who are in a similar position.

Eddie is the new face of the campaign which is aiming to make local smokers think “If they can quit, so can I.”

The campaign will utilise radio broadcasts and poster and flyer printing.

Preston man Eddie said of his former habit: “I used to smoke 30-a-day and I suffer for it now. I’ve got chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema, which basically means my lungs have had it. I really regret it.

“If I’d have known when I started how I would be here today, I wouldn’t have smoked.

“They gave me nicotine patches and gum and when I was having a low point, if I felt like I wanted a cigarette, I would ring them up and the lady would speak to me over the phone or invite me in. She was really nice and there for me all the way.”

New research shows smokers are four times more likely to quit with the help of an NHS smoking cessation service than attempting to stop alone. More information on the campaign can be obtained by visiting the Let’s Quit Lancashire website.

In Lancashire almost 13,000 residents successfully quit between April 2011–March 2012. There were 2,635 smoking related deaths in 2009. Smoking costs an estimated £419 million in NHS costs, litter, house fires and lost working days

For more information on the campaign visit the Lets Quit Smoke Free Lancashire site here

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