The 1-500 club: fifa challenge – hosted by world #1 adam winster
Vodka Revolution in Preston will host 128 competitors going head-to-head to fight for a £250 prize.
The event is hosted by Preston’s Adam Winster who won the 2012 EA Sports FIFA Challenge playing the video football game in New York last year. He won an amazing $167,000 for his efforts.
Adam fronts the FIFA Challenge, the Annual 128 Man Knock-out Competition created by EA Sports on 27 Feb and will oversee the competitors battling it out for a share of the £250 Prize Pot!
If you want a chance to show your FIFA soccer skills and enter the 1-500 Club FIFA Challenge there are limited early discount available at Skiddle. Alteritevly, a seat in the tournament may still be available at Revolution.
There will also be an after party until 3am
(Club night admission included in FIFA Challenge entry. Free entry before 10pm £3 After)
Entry price (public): £5 [1-500 members] £7 Public
Entry price (members/NUS): £5 [1-500 members] £7 Public
Minimum age: 18
Date: Wednesday 27 February 2013
Venue: Revolution, Main Sprit Weind, Preston PR1 3XB
Doors: 6:00pm – 3:00am (last entry 2:30am)
Based in Preston, The 1-500 Club was conceived by Luke Massie and business partner. As a recent student himself Luke had long thought that a gap existed in the student website market. Most other websites offer either national discount deals or general advice on relevant matters. Luke’s idea was to create a site that offers students a “One Stop Shop”.