
Preston Firm Gives Away Grand Prize

Posted on - 11th December, 2012 - 9:02pm | Author - | Posted in - Business, Christmas

A Preston-based retailer of safes has handed out £1000 prize money after one lucky customer placed the company’s 100,000th order.

Andrew Travis won the money after he bought a security product from The Safe Shop which sells lockers, home safes and post boxes.

The 41 year-old company director from Cross Hills near Skipton said: “I think that I’ll use the money to treat my wife to a romantic weekend away nearer to the holidays. I haven’t had too much time to think about it to be honest”.

With Christmas just around the corner, the money will certainly make Andrew’s weekend away that little bit merrier.

Andrew added that this was the first time he’d ever won a competition and that it had come as a pleasant surprise after ordering his product. He also joked that he would probably have to buy a home safe to store his prize and keep an eye on it.

Aside from splashing out on a romantic break for him and his wife, Andrew said that the family would be having a quiet Christmas at home with their two children, 12 year-old William and Matthew, eight.

Anthony Neary, managing director of The Safe Shop said: “Hopefully the £1,000 prize will be a welcome Christmas present”.

“We launched our ‘100,000th Order’ competition because we wanted to reward one lucky customer for helping us to achieve such amazing growth during the current economic climate”.

Despite the Bank of England’s warning that the UK economy is facing the threat of triple-dip recession, Mr Neary said that “the past three years has seen our sales increase year on year and we have more than doubled turnover in this period”.

He added: “We have been able to invest in a significantly improved website by our own in house web designers and we will be employing three new members of staff in the early part of 2013”.

Thanks to James Archer from the Safe Shop for a real feel good story for Christmas. Also highlights the growth of The Safe Shop in tough economic times.

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