Preston has been chosen as one of the UK cities for the relaunch of the Ready To Drink brand Hooch with a year-long taxi advertising campaign.
Hooch was one of the original ‘alcopops’, although the alcoholic beverage industry does not use that term.
The campaign also features in Newcastle, Liverpool and Manchester and will encourage city drinkers to follow their taste buds and try the refreshing drink.
Drink firm, Global Brands, appointed London Taxi Advertising to handle the advertising campaign on black cabs to raise customer awareness of the drink in cities across the UK.
After a nine year absence the original lemon Hooch drink is back and featured on the taxi artwork. The livery and superside taxi campaign will run with internal tip seat advertising asking ‘Hoo’s for a Hooch’.
Apparentley the ‘over ice’ serve is popular with the current generation of drinkers and the brand will be a competitor for fruit ciders, said Global Brands. Some consumers will be seeing the Hooch brand for the very first tme.
Taxis are the perfect mobile advert to target city drinkers around bars so look out for Hooch’s return to the UK market on a taxi near you (and in the pub)