
Beware citizens advice phone scam in Preston

Posted on - 30th October, 2012 - 6:17am | Author - | Posted in - Preston News

Scammers who claim to offer help with debts are phoning vulnerable people in Preston to try to get hold of their bank details.

The caller claims to be from the Citizens Advice Bureau and says they are working with the Office of Fair Trading to help people who are struggling with debt, before going on to ask for details of any unsecured loans.

Lancashire County Council Trading Standards service is warning that the genuine Citizens Advice Bureau or Office of Fair Trading never cold call members of the public, and never charge a fee for the advice they give.

County Councillor Albert Atkinson, deputy leader of Lancashire County Council, said: “Those who have reported these imposters say they sound very convincing so we’re concerned about the potential for people to believe them and hand over their personal details.

“These cold callers are preying on vulnerable people who may have money worries and debt problems.

“If you receive a cold call offering you a loan, help dealing with debt problems, or from someone who claims to be from your bank, it is almost certainly a scam.”

Trading Standards advice is:

• don’t give or confirm any personal information
• report the call immediately to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or online at
• contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau for free, confidential, independent and expert advice to help resolve your problems or visit

Source: Lancashire County Council

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