
Architecture event to debate future of Preston Bus Station

Posted on - 2nd July, 2012 - 10:13am | Author - | Posted in - Redevelopment, What's On in Preston

bus station outside

A day-long event will explore the future of Preston Bus Station and the role its brutalist architecture has played in the city.

Organised by Preston arts organisation In Certain Places it will bring together architects, artists and urban planners to examine architecture in an age of austerity.

The event includes a bus ride and tour of the Bus Station, talks by writer and journalist Owen Hatherley, architect Irena Bauman and a debate on the future of the Bus Station.

The debate will be chaired by Lancashire County councillor Kevin Ellard, and include the views of Preston city councillor for Fishwick Tom Burns and Christina Malathouni, senior conservation adviser at the Twentieth Century Society.

The Bus Station has been a controversial icon in the centre of Preston’s potential re-development of its city centre.

It was completed in 1969 and includes 80 bus bays making it the largest in the UK. It is currently under threat of demolition.

The event will take place on Tuesday 10 July from 10am to 4pm. Tickets are £25 or £15 for students.

Tickets can be booked online or by calling 01772 905 414.

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