When it was originally built Preston Dock became the largest dock in Europe. Quite an achievement when you consider that Preston is 11 miles inland and to enter you had to navigate the River Ribble which was prone to silting up. I can remember the dredger that used to be used to keep the river navigable but it was fighting a loosing battle an the dock was finished as a commercial operation in the early 1980s.
Now the Marina and pleasure craft are all that remain. There is of course one big boat lifting crane that stands as a landmark at the end of the docks. It’s no doubt one of those things that passengers on the Ribble Steam Railway point to as they they enjoy the short ride riverside railway trip. I guess the crane is capable of lifting small boats in and out of the water but I’ve never seen it in action.
This photograph of the dock crane has been manipulated quite heavily to give it more of a painterly effect and to add a bit of drama to what was otherwise quite a dull picture.
Photo: Fuji x100 f4 1/1600 ISO400
Paul Melling [Paul Melling Photography]