A PACT (Police And Communites Together) meeting will be taking place tonight for residents living in the Cadley and Greyfriars wards.
The venue is Fulwood Academy on Black Bull lane and the meeting starts at 6:30 pm. Below I’ve outlined issues raised at the last meeting and what Lancashire Constabulary say they’ve been doing to address the matters discussed.
Issues Raised
Priority 1
Cadley & Greyfriars area parks. Monitor both Mill Lane and Conway Drive Parks in relation to anti-social behaviour with particular attention to newly developed area of the Mill Lane site.
Priority 2
Cadley & Greyfriars. Monitor all area schools in relation to parking issues together with drop-off and pick-up congestion.
Priority 3
Cadley & Greyfriars. High visibility patrol of all other area hotspots in relation to anti-social behaviour in the lighter evenings.
Lancashire Constabulary Response
Priority 1
Lightfoot Lane – Daytime. To address poor and inconsiderate parking in area of Our Lady and St. Edwards Primary School.
Regular patrols have been done in this area with several drivers advised.
Priority 2
Cadley & Greyfriars – Anytime. To maintain high visibility patrols in key areas to reduce and deal with Anti-Social Behaviour.
Patrols conducted in hot-spot areas at peak times, this will continue during school holidays.
Priority 3
Cadley & Greyfriars – Anytime. To increase awareness regarding crime prevention following recent shed and garage break-ins.
Crime prevention information given out in local newsletter and advisory leaflets posted at key locations to maximise viewings.
Below is a map showing the location of the venue as well as the catchment area of residents that are advised to attend.
View Cadley/Greyfriars in a larger map