Recently we’ve had a flurry of live coverage on Blog Preston. Increased coverage of Preston North End matches and the council budget has meant that lately our Twitter account has gone into overdrive at weekends and on matchdays.
We’ve had a really great response so far with lots of our followers letting us know their thoughts on games at Deepdale. Live coverage is really good for football fans who are tied to their desks or just can’t get to a television.
However, this weekend we received the following tweets:
@blogpreston my reaction is thus. Open a new twitter account dedicate to pne. Keep the main blogPreston tweeks for news not live blog match
@blogpreston cool beans, the end results are cool. But play by play is a bit much for non football followers.
And Ashlee is completely right. We know that a lot of you care about football, because you talk about it all weekend and cheer on Preston North End. But a lot of you also don’t, and for someone tuning in to Twitter on a Saturday afternoon a barrage of play-by-play updates can be a bit much.
That’s why we’ve started @blogprestonlive. It’s a new Twitter account that’ll purely be used to cover live events; be that council coverage, football matches or events in town. It’s a way that we can filter out a lot of the noise that our main account creates for those of you who aren’t necessarily interested in what we’re talking about.
We’ll still occasionally cross post onto the main account; like if something particularly newsworthy happens at a council meeting, but live coverage will now largely be restricted to this new account. And of course we’ll post all our write ups and articles from live events on the main account and website.
So if you want to be kept up to date on local football, politics and events in Preston, get following @blogprestonlive. For the rest of you, Twitter will now be a lot quieter.