
Thai boxing club looking for knockout blow

Posted on - 16th February, 2011 - 9:30am | Author - | Posted in - Arts & Culture

Senior instructor at the club Kru Shaks

Preston Thai Boxing Club is hoping its exciting brand of martial arts will grow more and more popular in the city.

Muay Thai or Thai boxing is the national sport of Thailand.

It was developed there over 2000 years ago as a way of defending the nation’s borders against the Burmese when weapons were banned.

The club trains people in the art of Muay Thai in which the hands, shins, elbows and knees are all used.

Kru Shaks is the senior instructor at the club.

Master Toddy

He was taught 30 years ago by Master Thohsaphon Sitiwatjana, the man credited with introducing Muay Thai to the UK.

Master Sitiwatjana is known as master Toddy in Las Vegas where he is lead instructor on a reality show called ‘Fight Girls’.

Mr Shaks tried other contact sports in the 1980s: “I looked at boxing, tried taekwondo and jujitsu but none of them were as good as Thai boxing.

“I was looking to fight and it’s very close to street fighting with the use of the elbow.”

The club has 30 members and there are 18 men in the adult class.

Women and children

There is also a junior class which caters for children aged seven to 11, as soon as a child reaches 12 he goes into the adult class.

The children do exactly the same as the men but thankfully the adults go easy on them.

Preston Thai boxing also caters for women with a boxercise class held every Monday night.

The women do the same warm – up and pad work as the men but don’t do any sparring.


Dean Adams, 24 has recently started taking part in competitive Muay Thai after being trained by Mr Shaks.

Of Mr Adams Mr Shaks said: “He was a bit raw for his first fight but he’s got a bit of experience now and he’s turning into a really good fighter.”

Adult classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 to 8.30pm at Oystons Mill, Strand Road while children’s classes are held every Sunday morning from 10 to 11am at Oystons Mill.

Women’s boxercise classes are held at 7pm at Muscle Alley Gym.

Anybody interested in any class can phone Mr Shaks on 07792817712

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