Clothed in a leopard print jacket and with a shock of pink hair, comedian and compere Wil Hodgson strides onstage at the Frog & Bucket to introduce Kitty Cointreau’s BraHaHa.
Billed as a mix of comedy, bawdy end of the pier humour and burlesque acts, the BraHaHa consists of a motley crew of performers that dazzle and amuse the Frog & Bucket crowd in equal measure. A hilarious Maggie Thatcher strip routine follows Hodgson’s opening salvo.
Cat Aclysmic, whose statuesque figure blends a burlesque act with a fire eating routine had most of the audience in awe as she literally played with fire.
The mix of comedy and burlesque works so well, meaning there is something for everyone. If the audience aren’t looking on in admiration at the artistry of Kitty Cointreau’s graceful burlesque, they’re emitting belly laughs from the quips of comedians Chris Stokes and Daliso Chaponda.
All in all, a fabulous night. Kitty Cointreau returns to the Frog & Bucket on the 28th October with a Halloween-themed night. If you’ve any sense, you’ll be there.
We interviewed Kitty in September, you can read what she had to say here.