The seventh edition of Preston’s live literature night is all stacked up and ready at the New Continental.
Wordsoup brings the best of the region’s writing talent to the stage and gets them reading stuff from their books but also writing stuff specially for the night itself and the chosen topic.
This month’s theme is ‘Home’, so hopefully we can expect tales of crackling fires, dinner parties and cosy front rooms. Or not. This is Wordsoup after all.
Mixing up this month’s literary broth are musician, writer, performer and presenter Mollie Baxter. The author of the Big Drift, Thomas Fletcher, will be dropping by and also local poet and author Mark Charlesworth. Paul Sockett, an actor and performance poet is also on the bill.
Wordsoup isn’t just words though, there’s musical interludes as well. Kevin Wilkinson is charged with delivering some quivering high notes.
A big mention must go to the open mic slots, these are increasingly outshining some of the more established acts as the people of Preston share their literary masterpieces of the future.
It’s £3, kicks off at 8 PM on Tuesday 17th November 2009 at the New Continental.
Read reviews of past Wordsoup’s