The latest of the Lancashire speed networking events will be visiting Preston again on Thursday 19th November 2009.
The event allows businesses to meet other businesses and chat about what they do and other projects they might be working on.
The networking event will be held at the IBIS Hotel and includes a presentation from Sandra Cobbin, Clarity Development on management and leadership development.
Tickets are £17.25 incl VAT and are available online.
Catherine Bonser, from Speed Networking Lancashire, who organises the events said:
People are arranged seated at tables facing each other. A whistle blows and a three minute networking session begins.
One person begins by talking about who they are; what they do; and what they are looking for. Then it is the other person’s turn to do the same. The conversation can then turn to exploring any potential business opportunities between you.
The whistle blows again when three minutes has passed, one person remains seated while the other moves one place up the row and a new three minute meeting begins.
Prepare your 60 seconds before hand so that you know how to talk about what you do, why people should work with you, and what sort of business you are looking for.