The New Continental, on Broadgate, Preston, will be playing host to Woody Guthrie’s Freedom Songs as played by Will Kaufman on Monday 5th October 2009.
The legendary singer-songwriter’s work will bring this show to the Continental. It explores Guthrie’s anti-racist songs and activism. Conventionally known for his championing of the poor white Dust Bowl migrants, Guthrie also left an extensive body of songs condemning Jim Crow segregation, race hatred and fascism. Most of these songs were never recorded, but they are the legacy of Guthrie’s own transformation from a casual Oklahoma racist in his youth to a committed civil rights activist working and singing with the likes of Leadbelly, Sonny Terry and Paul Robeson in the 1940s and 50s.
UCLan professor, Kaufman, played the Continental last autumn and sold it out – so expect tickets to go fast.
Tickets are £3 and available from the Continental, Preston Tourist Information and Action Records.
Image credit to s76fitz