The by-election is being held for the election of a Preston City Councillor, following the resignation of former Councillor Harold Parker who resigned for health reasons after serving the people […]
15 years ago The Laughter Rume returns for OctoberAfter entertaining over 200 comedy fans in August, The Laughter Rume is back at Rumes Nightclub on Monday 5th October 2009. Headlining the monthly comedy night is none other than […]
15 years ago Preston speed networking event in NovemberThe latest of the Lancashire speed networking events will be visiting Preston again on Thursday 19th November 2009. The event allows businesses to meet other businesses and chat about what […]
15 years ago September/October 2009 edition of Broadgate & District NewsThe latest edition of a Preston community news magazine, Broadgate & District News, has hit the doormats across the Broadgate area.
15 years agoOpen 09 will be coming to Preston on November 16th and 17th, an open and participatory conference for the creative industries. The event is aimed at designers, developers, musicians, artists, […]
15 years ago Preston Geekup to put on Barcamp BlackpoolGemma Cameron, who is behind the Preston Geekup, is organising a Barcamp in Blackpool. The one day event brings together people from the tech, creative and web communities in an […]
15 years ago Autumn walk at Preston CemeteryYou can take a special walk around Preston Cemetery in the final guided tour of the year.
15 years ago Review: Charlie Chuck @ New ContinentalThe New Continental’s first ‘Comedy Lounge’ was opened with a cracking comedy show featuring Charlie Chuck, Chris Roach, El Purnell and Pam Ford.
15 years ago Most Discussed