We’re pleased to announce that the second Preston Tweetup has been confirmed. We’ll be back at the New Continental and this time we’re part of the Preston Tringe Festival that’s taking place in late July, showcasing theatre, music, comedy and much more across the city.
The topic for the next Preston Tweetup is ‘How do we support the arts in Preston?’. There’s already a lot happening with the New Continental’s events and the Tringe Festival but what more could we do? How can we get this city buzzing with a great arts community?
The event is on Monday 27th July 2009 from 8 PM in the Snug area of the pub. Please register to attend (we’re working on another drinks offer for those who register), so charge up those laptops and mobiles, and get your thinking caps on. It’s going to be a great event. Only 40 places available.
It’s free, fun and creative. If you’re unsure of what all this Tweetup business is, take a look at what happened at the last one.